How did I start getting into gaming? I suppose it goes back to when I was a preschooler, when, I'm told, I had an extraordinary fascination with game shows. Flashing lights, loud sounds, rapidly changing images, that sort of thing. An early memory I have, as well, is being fascinated by an album called Hooked On Classics, basically one of the many Switched On Bach knock-offs that happened after Wendy Carlos' classic. The electronic sounds of music I was vaguely familiar with was something I listened to over and over again.

Then I started seeing these machines that combined it all. Electronic music, motion graphics and such. And you controlled what was happening? Amazing!

I'm not sure what was the first game I played. Probably Pac-Man or Galaga, but regardless that was it. I was hooked. Not long after came our first console thanks to the video game crash, our first home computer thanks to a relative upgrading, and me spending an incredible amount of time in the computer lab at school and random arcades and convenience stores.

What I'm hoping to do is to put my experiences with these earlier days of my gaming experiences, and talk about more current ones where I feel it's relevent. Or even if it's not. Also, these are purely recollections and memories, so their accuracy could be called into question. Which I'm totally fine with.

So let's see where this goes, and thank you for reading this